• Do you have a lived experience of returning to, or attempting to return to work after a stroke?
• Do you have a lived experience of returning to, or attempting to return to work return to work in a rural area after a significant injury or illness?
• Do you have a lived experience of being a carer of someone who has wanted to return to work after their stroke?
• Are you a service provider (health professional, service provider, peer worker, researcher, other) to working aged stroke survivors, or have an interest in service delivery for working aged stroke survivors, particularly those in a rural setting?
If you fit into one of these groups and are 18 years or older, Then we need you!
RESET has been developed as a coordination and support service for stroke survivors wishing to return to work.
We are forming an Advisory Network whose experiences with stroke and/or returning to work after injury or ilness, will hopefully provide valuable information that can help ensure that the RESET service is suitable for stroke survivors throughout Australia. The Advisory Network will receive regular study updates and requests for advice and feedback from the research team via email.
This project is a collaboration between Deakin University, Barwon Health and the Stroke Association of Victoria.
This project has been approved by the Barwon Health Human Research Ethics Committee (reference No. 19/91)