Are you:

  • Aged 18 years or over and living in Australia?
  • Have no diagnosis of psychiatric illness?

You are invited to provide a sample of your blood and some clinical information that will assist in understanding mental illness. Your blood will be used to explore psychiatric markers, which will be compared against existing psychiatric clinical trials data.

What is the purpose of this research?

IMPACT TRIALS have conducted multiple clinical trials of new treatments for bipolar disorder, depression and schizophrenia. During these trials, participants provided blood samples to explore the biological response to these new treatments. The blood samples are also being used to explore the underlying mechanisms of these mental illnesses. Having blood samples from people with no history of mental illness is very important as it provides a group to compare changes in these biological markers. To date, the clinical trials have not collected blood samples from people without a history of mental illness.

Therefore, this project aims to generate a collection of blood samples to explore psychiatric markers within the IMPACT TRIALS research program.

What does the research involve?

If you agree to participate in this research study, you undergo a study interview which involves a screening process, to ensure that you meet the criteria for participating in the project. To assess suitability, we will be asking questions about your past or immediate history of psychiatric disorders, whether you feel healthy and well, are willing to consent for the collection of fasted blood samples and if you have recently donated blood. If eligibility criteria are met, you will be asked further questions regarding your health and escorted to a pathology center to provide a blood sample.

This research has ethics approval (22/143)

If you would like to receive more information about the study or enquire about participating, please contact:



Contact details

Prof. Olivia Dean Director, Deakin Clinical Trials Hub
Mr. Eslam Ahmed Associate Research Fellow, IMPACT TRIALS

Trial locations

Health Education & Research Building (HERB B)

Barwon Health. Rear, Kitchener House, 299 Ryrie St, Geelong 3220

Register your interest to participate in our research studies.

If you are interested in taking part in our research studies you can sign up to the database and we will keep you informed about current or future opportunities.